1 Corinthians 16:14 ~ Do everything in love.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Great Strides 2014!

Walk day has come and gone. I'd be lying if I said I'm not relieved to have the event off my plate! For months now I have been, let's be real, begging for donations for this years Great Strides walk. Money funds research and research produces new procedure and medications (like Kalydeco), which in turn prolongs lives, which includes Bryce. FUND-RAISING IS A BIG DEAL. 

When I first registered our team for our 6th year participating in the walk I literally thought to myself: 

We are going to have a really hard time raising money this year. 
It gets harder and harder every year. 

With this thought in mind I made our original team goal for the the walk $8000.00. 
I ended up bumping it to $10,000.00 in April because we had surpassed the $8000.00 mark.

Between Davis Elementary (Jar Wars Fundraiser), our CF skate night, and family and friends who gave generously I am so darn excited to report that we raised our largest amount EVER. 

Our efforts this year brought in $12,510.00!!! 

Y'all, seriously that is just amazing. I am completely blown away. Thank you so much to those that actively helped raise funds. Want to give them a little shout out because I think their efforts are worth recognizing. Lindsay Mullinax raised $650.00, Amy Allen raised $925.00 and my mom raised $925.00. Well done ladies! Bryan and I are so appreciative because we know first hand
raising funds isn't easy or all that fun.

The Atlanta walk brought in 1.66 million dollars, which is crazy awesome! The CF community across the nation is so passionate about making lives better for those living with CF. These people do not mess around. I've said it before and I'll say it again and again; the CFF doesn't receive federal funding. A little community doing very BIG things! We are proud to be part of it. 

Before I get to the pictures I have one more thing. I was wondering how much money our team has raised since our first walk in 2009. Team Bryce Bryce Baby has raised approximately $65,850.00. This includes the 2 years that Bryan's school participated in the Cure Finders program (program no longer in use). It does NOT include what the Pope Volleyball Team has raised and donated. 

Not too shabby people. Not too shabby!

 My guess is there were easily 3000 people at the walk! 


Thank you again for helping us reach our goal 
and making this year's walk a huge success. 
Love and hugs and stuff to all of you!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mom's The Word.

The past weekend was all about Moms. Well...mostly. I wonder if Mother's Day is in May because they know most moms are in the throws of crazy busy and need a day just for them. Most every mom with school aged kids I know are currently all singing the same tune; all of us are counting down the days until this madness ends!

Mother's Day weekend with our crew and our extended crew is getting harder and harder to plan each year. My brother-in-law's birthday is on the 9th and my mother-in-law's birthday is on the 11th. Between that, soccer games (which were cancelled unexpectedly), birthday parties and everyone's schedules it didn't work out that we all get together at one time this year. It's all good because I know there will be plenty of time for more get-togethers this summer.

Mother's Day sweets with Bryce at his school. They sang a song for us and he said on his mom questionnaire that I was 15 so my weekend was off to a really great start!

 Papa lucked out and got a gift this Mother's Day too. Just kidding. This was his long overdue birthday gift from way back in April.

 Everyone gathered around the birthday girl. Notice that Honey has Bryce in a "head-lock". Worked awesome for keeping him still for this picture!


 States and Capitals Sequence! We figured Honey would like playing that with the kiddos.
What is up with Jordyn?! I went through the pictures and she is making these type faces in more than half of the photos.

Showing Honey the Mother's Day love on top of birthday love. I dig the big cards.

 Mother's Day morning I woke up to the hubs bringing me coffee while I fixed my hair. Then I came downstairs to find not one, but two pairs of new shoes. What?! Wedges no less, which are my fav.

 Then my morning just kept getting better. My babies were so excited to give me their gifts and I loved them so much. Chick-fil-a gift card from Bryce!

 Another from Sydney. Plus she made me a lovely coil clay pot and pot holder.

 And then Jordyn spoiled me with her awesome gifts.

These 3. They are the best.

 After church on Sunday we met up with my mom, dad and brothers. This is my mom, but I'm guessing you can tell I belong to her just by looking at her.
I'm still wondering where Jordyn gets the idea to make funny faces in photos. So weird.

 Cece with the babes.

 Mom's pride and joy. I'm talking about the one in black.

Once we were home I made "asked" the kids to take a few more photos since our Easter photos were a bust. They were thrilled as you can tell by the below photo.

 I don't know about y'all, but I think Bryce looks so natural in this photo.

 She is so big. How did that happen?

And then this one is getting so tall she may end up catching and passing her sister.

 This wasn't planned. I didn't even know Bryan took it and I love it.

 Bryce gets the award for: Worst Picture Taker In The World
I had to resort to tickling. Stinker.

Of course I had to take one with my dreamboat. Just love this man so much.


I forgot I took these photos of the Jordyn and Bryce a few weeks ago while they were out playing in the yard.
I love them.
Had to share.