The family on Christmas Eve. The kids all decked out in their Christmas Pajamas...ready for Santa!
Our Christmas was fantastic. The kids had a blast and Bryan and I did too. It's so fun watching how excited the girls get about all the special festivities. Santa brought Bryce and the girls just what they asked for ...and a little more! Aside from watching the kids my favorite part was getting to spend time with our wonderful families.
The girls trying out the princess fishing poles they asked for. Bryce approved of his Santa loot.
Jordyn was excited to get the movie Wall-E. She does a great impression (see below). Sydney showing off her new hat.
Jordyn helped Andy open his gift. Sydney was NOT impressed by Papa's new sweatshirt. BOOO!
New Years Eve was very low key for us. We spent it playing Wii with the girls. Sydney is a pro at Wii bowling. She is really good and I am embarrassed to say I can't seem to beat her high score of 207. Not too bad for being 5 years old! Jordyn has just recently figured out how to work the Wii remote. I think the girls have played everyday since we set the game up.
2009 has already been busy for us. We started the year off by celebrating my nieces 1st birthday. Maisie had a cute little party and wore the cutest tutu birthday outfit. The first Sunday of the year my dad treated us to a trip to The Smith House and Babyland General. Sydney got to adopt a doll a few years ago so this trip it was Jordyn's turn to adopt a doll. She named her doll Kendyll Lynn Jones. Before we knew it, the holidays were over and it was back to school for everyone. I found it really hard getting back into the school schedule after the break. That first week was rough!
The girls before cousin Maisie's party. Maisie the birthday girl showing off her pretty eyes.
Jordyn in the adoption office with Kendyl Lynn. The girls with their dolls. Sydney's doll Cece Honey came with us.
Bryce is doing great. I don't think we could ask for a smoother cold and flu season. We have 2-1/2 more months to go so pray that things keep going smoothly for Bryce. He has had a few colds off and on, but nothing major. Everyone in the house has been battling colds since November. Sydney even had strep over the Christmas break. Thankfully no one else got strep! Bryce will be 6 months on Thursday of this week. I can't believe how fast we got here. Bryce is almost a pro at sitting up. He can sit up straight for a while and then he starts leaning over to play with his feet. He is also teething so we have had some days of him being Mr. Cranky Pants. His favorite thing to do these days is play in his Johnny Jumper. We put him in it and he goes to town. The more attention you give him the more excited he gets and the faster he jumps. It's very cute. Bryce's other favorite thing is being an attention hog. The more attention he gets the better. He will fuss like mad and as soon as you talk to him he stops on a dime and starts smiling. If you look away or walk away from him he starts fussing all over again. Odd that a child of ours likes attention. ;)~
Smiling as usual. I got out of the house! Full + Satisfied = Sleep
Johnny Jumper! My new wagon from Honey & Papa Teething = everything in mouth.
The girls are great. They are both learning new things on a daily basis. Jordyn can spell her name now. She is also starting to tell stories. The other day she told me this story: "Boys don't wear dresses.". That was the story and a very good one I might add. :) Jordyn is also getting really good at blaming things she does on other people. If she knows she has done something she isn't supposed to she will blame it on anybody else other than taking the credit. It's pretty funny so it's hard to keep a straight face when trying to get the truth out of her. Jordyn's current favorite thing is to play with her little Disney princess dolls. She can sit for hours changing their clothes and making them talk to each other. Jordyn will act out scenes from the Disney movies with her dolls. It's pretty funny. BOTH girls talk non stop. Seriously. They literally talk from the moment they wake up until they go to sleep...unless the TV is on. At least they have each other to talk non stop to. I sometimes send them to another room so I can hear myself think! Sydney is doing great in school. She has one more group of sight words to master and then she can move onto the next list of words. She is also working on counting and writing to 100. Her current favorite thing to do is crafts. She loves making things, drawing and writing. She says she is "an artist".
Bryan spent majority of the holiday working in the basement. I am happy to report that we are almost to the end of this whole project. All of the major stuff is finished like the floors and bathroom. Basically trim, crown molding and the little details are left. All these little jobs are time consuming though. I finally moved all the toys down to the basement. This was a very joyous moment for me. YAH...not as many toys upstairs and soon to be NO toys upstairs other than baby toys!!! I am pretty impressed with the job Bryan has done in the basement. It looks beautiful and I can't wait for everyone to see the finished product.
Look at my new trick! I can sit up until I see my feet. Then I lean over to eat them.
Well...I tried to make this as short as possible. I know I have left so much out, but this gives you an idea of what we have been up too. Bryce goes for his 4th Synagis shot on Wednesday and to his clinic on February 2nd. I will keep everyone updated as to what we find out at clinic. I promise it won't take me a month to do it.
Hugs to all.
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