1 Corinthians 16:14 ~ Do everything in love.

Friday, February 21, 2014

More Snow, A Tooth and The Circus...(Oh my).

I have had this post written for a few days and completely forgot to post it. Woops!
Let's rewind to last week...

Georgia got hit with another snow storm. This one was being built up to be worse than the one we had in January because it was an ice storm followed by a snow storm. It was worse, but our little southern state was way more prepared this time so there wasn't a lot of drama. The kids went to school on Monday last week and then had the rest of the week off. My mom and youngest brother crashed at our house so we had ourselves a little snow party for a few days. My other brother ended up driving up to hang one of the days...he has a 4 wheel drive truck so he made it to my house with no problem. He even pulled a huge truck up the front hill in our neighborhood. You can watch the video by clicking HERE. Funny to see his little truck pulling this huge truck.

This snow was so pretty and much more fun to play in and it wasn't nearly as cold so we spent a good chunk of time outside. We had a pretty awesome snowball fight. Bryce is still talking about it. We made a snowman and when I say "we" I mean, my mom, Bryan and neighbor Allen made a snowman. The kids did help a little too. I helped for all of 5 minutes and decided it was too boring and way too much work!

Here are our second round of snow pictures. Enjoy!

 Neighbor Allen pegged me with a snowball while I was making a snow angel. 

 Yes, I throw like a girl AND I actually hit my mom with this snowball. I rarely hit what I'm aiming for.

Bryan, stop looking so hot all the time. ;) 

 Sydney thought she was safe...

 You would think holding the camera would exclude you from the snowball fight. 

Snowman got back...

 Our first snowman!

By the end of the day a lot of the snow melted off. Temps have been rising ever since!

During our snow days Bryce experienced a BIG moment! He lost his first tooth. His first was my last first tooth so it was a bittersweet moment. My mom actually pulled the tooth for him. I'm kind of grossed out by wiggly teeth so I was trying to pull it with a wad of paper towels so I didn't have to feel the "popping", but good old mom just used her fingers and had it out in less than 10 seconds. Better her than me! 

Bryce has another wiggly tooth right next to this one and as you can see from the above picture he already has a tooth grown in behind it. 

Last but not least we went to the circus! We skipped monster trucks this year and opted for the circus since we have never gone and it did not disappoint. We loved it! I didn't bring my big camera because I didn't want to lug it around, but I did take a few shots with my little point and shoot. Not the best photos, but enough for a few preserved memories. 

 That's a lot of tigers...just one guy in there. Bryce was super impressed the tigers didn't eat the man. 

 These people were seriously impressive. Like crazy strong. 

The circus was a great way to start off Winter Break. Winter Break is in addition to the 4 days they had off from school the week before due to snow. So yea...kids have been home for almost 2 whole weeks. Some may be going crazy, but I LOVE having the kids home! 

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