YIKES! This may have been the longest I have ever gone not Keeping Up With The Joneses.
See what I did there.
My last post was about Baby June being born and she is now 5.5 months old! Life has been slightly busy and when I do have some free time my mind never goes to posting on the blog. Sorry about that to the few of you who still follow along on our blog!
Let's rewind back to February and March. There was a lot of soccer: club soccer for Bryce and Etowah HS soccer for the girls. In addition to the soccer Jay celebrated his 34th birthday. Oh and Bryce had his first clinic of the 2021. So, let's take a look back with some photos!
Bryce doing his thing in goal as usual.
Jordyn made the Etowah Varsity team as a Freshman and started almost every game. She had a great season! Sydney was on the bench with her ACL injury, but she was at every game cheering her team on.
Soccer in February isn't usually great weather wise. It's typically pretty cold, but the girls tend to dislike layering up. The above photo was in the evening, it was cold and the reason the photo looks fuzzy...rain. It poured this particular game. Always a treat to play cold rainy weather. Actually the real treat is watching in the cold rainy weather. For this game I had my own personal umbrella holder named Bryan.
When June was 2 weeks old I got to watch her for a few hours while Katie had an appointment. Of course I took advantage of having June to myself and did a little photo shoot. How sweet did these photos turn out? She slept through everything and was the perfect little model.

And last, but not least Bryce had a clinic visit in February. This was the first of the year and it went just okay. He didn't reach his weight goal so of course we had to go over what he is eating and how much and how often. The crazy thing is that Bryce's appetite has really picked up over the past year. The good news is his lung function was doing just fine so that is what matters to me most. Gotta keep those lunch clear and strong! He started Trikafta back in September 2020 so he has to have blood draws every 3 months for a year to monitor how his liver handles the drug. So far, so good!

Moving on to March...
The month started with Jay's birthday. We had a little family dinner with yummy food and desserts. Baby bro getting "old"!
The rest of March was full of soccer. Lots of club soccer for Bryce and lots of high school soccer for Jordyn. Sydney was still in recovery so no playing for her, but she was always there supporting the team.

Bryce was the "ball boy" at all of the Etowah home games.
Sydney helped take photos at games. She's getting pretty good!
Senior Night! Sydney was not cleared to play on Senior Night, but they did put her in the starting line up and let her kick off the game. This meant a lot to her. It wasn't easy for her to sit on the sidelines her Senior year. When they called her out on the field it brought tears to my eyes!
This game was a crazy good game too. It was Etowah vs Cherokee. Many of the girls from both schools play together on various club teams (lots of Impact girls, which is where we play) so it was a battle from the start. it's like all the girls had something to prove on both teams. When the 2nd half started Etowah was down 0 to 2. We ended up coming back to even things up 2 to 2. Then the game went into not one, but TWO 10 minute over times. It was cold and it was raining so not ideal game conditions. The game ended in PKs. Etowah won 5 to 4. It was a pretty awesome way to end the night for the Seniors!
I didn't take this photo - the photographer from Cady Studios did. Seriously though...look at that smile. She was so happy just to step foot on the field even if she didn't get to play.
Getting called out to the field.
Hugging one of her coaches.
Look at her smile! The best!
Right after she kicked the ball the ref blew the whistle for a sub.
Hugs from teammates and then she was off the field.
Jordyn played like a beast during this game. She shut down the forward she was marking all night.
And that's a wrap on February and March. I will be working on catching the blog up so keep checking back to see if I follow through...
By the way, it took me 6 days to finish this post. ;)
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