1 Corinthians 16:14 ~ Do everything in love.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fall = Fair

On Tuesday we made our annual trip to the North Georgia State Fair. Bryan couldn't make it because he was coaching (boo), but my mom AND dad came to help me with the kids. Last year Bryce didn't join us because he was in that stage where everything would go into his mouth, but I felt like he was ready to go this year. And yes...I did bring antibacterial wipes to wipe down all the rides he got on. People must have thought I was crazy, but I will be all sorts of crazy to keep my little man as healthy as possible. I'm so thankful I had mom and dad there to help me because it took all 3 of us to keep up with the kids! They literally wore us out.

The weather was perfect.
The fabulous fair food was tasty.
The smiles on the kids faces were perfection.


Happy Fall Y'all!!

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