I'm a little late with this post because I spent the Friday gallivanting around town with my sweet baby boy. It was a mommy and son type of day.
Bryce had his clinic on Thursday (8/18/11). The girls ended up having a teacher workday so off I went to clinic with all THREE kids. I'm not going to even front that we were by far the loudest room on the hallway. Between random arguments that would break out and Bryce flying into the wall multiple times while riding on the stool that has wheels, we were very entertaining.
He wore his mask when he needed to with no complaints. He wanted to walk to triage "I do it by myself" so no hand holding with mommy. He sat very still and completely cooperated with the nurse in triage. She got all readings on the first try...that had NEVER happened before. My boy is growing up! Very proud of him.
Every single person who came into see commented on his energy. "Is he always this active?".
Umm, why yes, yes he is.
I do feel like he stepped it up at notch during our visit. This kid was literally climbing the walls. There was a ledge that connected to the window. He would climb up on the ledge, jump to the exam table and the jump OFF the exam table. Wild little man! I love it...working those lungs is how I see it. Bryce loves going to clinic to see his doctors so maybe that was why he was overly jazzed. Hopefully this positive attitude about clinic will continue over the years. I enjoy going to clinic too because I just love Bryce's CF team. They are AWESOME!
Entertaining themselves in-between visitors. There was a TV, but I didn't like the shows that were playing (more for "Tweens") and we could not get the channel to change so no TV watching for us.
This ledge helped entertain Bryce all day.
Pray. Pray. Pray.
Our rock star!
HOORAY! He is such a CALM dude- I seriously need him to teach M not to be such a spaz at the dr's. (Did I mention cute too?!) Awesome news on his BMI!!! That is soo great! He really does look like a boy and less like a toddler! Love your photos!
Awesome news!!! Way to go Bryce, what a star and handsome little chap he is!
Praying for clear cultures.
PS LOVE your header picture, hilarious!!
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